Sunday, August 29, 2010

Updates from all over!

Hey there!
I'm a little behind in my e-mail so I have a lot of updates to share.
First of all, I got a call from Geoff Hixson (no need to explain who he is.... everybody knows Sir Geoffrey!) He was having a little trouble with his heart (probably couldn't find it) and he had to have a pacemaker implanted on August 17th. He is doing quite well but due to medical follow-up and insurance stuff he and Linda probably won't be able to make it to Avalon until early February.
I hope he is wrong - I will miss them terribly! All the best to you Geoff and please make a speedy recovery!

Doug (& Bev) Seddon send news that it's hotter than h*** in Ottawa. Doug was talking to Scott (4X) and he is doing well. He is continuing with his treatments and Doug said he sounded really good. He and Donna are hoping to get to Avalon early this season.

Good news as well from Ron and Pat Vanover regarding their neighbour Joanne Haller. They received this message from her:

Tues was operation. Wed I went to ICU as my body was forgetting to breath(small detail). Thursday afternoon I came back to orthopedics . Have seen PT twice today. She thinks I 'm doing OK. I now can get up to use the potty!!! I HATE this operation, glad I don't have any more knees! See you in Jan. in Fl. Joanne

We hear you Joanne! Thank heaven they have lots of "spare parts" for us at the hospital when we need them.

Pauline (& Harvey - Fourth St) sent me the pics that you see titled "What a great bunch" Wonderful shots of great friends having a good time at one of our dances. Makes you want to shine up those dancin' shoes! Pauline said they are very bored and are raring to go when they get to Florida.
Sounds like a plan to me.

Keep those cards and letters coming. Before you know it we'll be getting our news from the laundry room!

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