Thursday, May 27, 2010

Moving right along.....

Hey, guess what I heard at the laundry room this morning (not really...I got an e-mail...but I'm pretending we're at Avalon!!) A little birdie told me that although Kirby is still waiting for a more effective medication to help his breathing, he has received good news about results for some tests that he had. Hooray for Kirby and Deb! We'll all be keeping you in our prayers Kirby, until you are totally recovered and breathing easy once again.
Well, summer has started in earnest here in southern Ontario and we are enjoying a stretch of sunny days and high temps. We spent the Victoria Day weekend at the lake and for a change we had some beautiful, warm days. We often joke about how the Americans always seem to get great weather on their Memorial Day weekend and we usually get rained out on our holiday, but this past weekend we had nothing to complain about!
In your travels this summer, remember to keep an eye out for some of the little "extras" you might want to bring to Avalon next season. We are planning a dance in late January with the theme "Hooray for Hollywood" so you will want to be on the lookout for anything that will transform you into a star! We will also have a Mardi Gras Dance in March so check out those garage sales for fancy dresses, feather boas and sequined masks.
Several people have mentioned they would love to have a block party next year. I think that means they would love to attend a block party if somebody else organizes it so I thought I would throw it out there to see what you think. If we got the permission of the rec committee and "corporate" (or we could go ahead and figure its easier to get forgivess than permission!) we could close off one street to traffic and maybe set up a couple of firepits and have some music. We could potluck hor doevres from different cultures (chinese, mexican, british, french etc) and roast hot dogs and marshmallows over the pits, We could dance in the streets and have a great time with both recorded music and a few live tunes if some musicians are available and willing. If the weather is a little better in February we could do it then before the busy time starts. Let me know what you think. It would be a very casual family atmosphere and we might get a few more Avaloners interested in our activities. We would also be able to invite friends from outside our park so they could see what a lovely park we have at Avalon.

Well friends.. take care of yourselves and talk to you soon. I miss you all and am planning on some great times for the fall.
Lori & Ed

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I received the following message from Peter Craske (137 First St) today:
"I am very sad to have to tell you that Jeanne died peacefully while asleep yesterday.She was not feeling well on Monday and after she got up yesterday morning, she decided to lie down on the sofa. I left her there while I quietly did things around the house, looking every once in a while and seeing her, as I imagined, sleeping. Finally I got concerned and tried to wake her but she had passed away."

An Avalon friend e-mailed me just yesterday inquiring if I had heard anything about how Jeanne was doing. We were all so concerned when she fell ill this past season and had to return to Canada, but we thought she was on the road to recovery.

Peter, we are all thinking of you and praying for you in this sorrowful time. Jeanne will be deeply missed by all in the Avalon community.

Thank-you also to my e-mail buddies who made sure I was aware of Jeanne's passing. I am grateful for your help in keeping us all "in the loop".

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How can I be homesick when I'm at home?

Ever get that feeling? We've been home for about 5 weeks, and now that the dust has settled I'm starting to really miss you guys! Oh, don't get me wrong - it is wonderful to be back at home close to the grand-kids and all. But I sure do enjoy our time at Avalon and I miss all my friends and the great activities we participate in during the winter months. I guess I'm just going through "Avalon Withdrawal".

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying spring in your hometown. Carole Logan wrote to say that she has been having a wonderful spring and has been up to her cottage in Latchford. (I can almost smell that clean country air!)

I was surprised by a couple of e-mails I received with news that Sam Seltzers abruptly closed all of it's locations on Monday and has gone out of business! They certainly always seemed to be busy when we went there. As a matter of fact we had a lovely ladies luncheon there this past season. I guess you never can tell!

Although I know that NONE of you would EVER drive over the speed limit, I am including an interesting web address that lists local speed traps. I was amazed at the accuracy of the posts for the town I live in. Give it a try - the website ....NOT SPEEDING!!!! Just click HERE

Please let me know if you have any news to share, or feel free to include it as a comment on the latest post. Everyone is eager to hear of any health updates, adventures or celebrations.

Take care of you!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Best Wishes

Happy Mother's Day to all You Beautiful Ladies.
With Love,
From Doug & Bev

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Something to Celebrate!

Congratulations to Jane and Fred from Third St. They are celebrating the accomplishments of their son David. He was recently selected as the top Emergency Medical Tech in Pinellas County. He will receive his award on May 18th at the Court House in Clearwater. Not long after getting this good news, David called and told them he had also been chosen as the top EMT in the entire State of Florida. He will be honored in Orlando for this achievement. To quote Fred and Jane: "God has sure blessed us with wonderful children. It's the work that they do that has made us so proud. Each one is serving the community. As parents we reflect that it was all worth bringing them to this world. Having children was work, pain, sorrow; and nothing may happen right away but as we hit our golden age it all boils down to God's Blessing to us and others."
Fred and Jane, we are all celebrating with you and your son. Congratulations!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

More Sad News

It seem that we have lost more members of our Avalon family this past year than ever before. On Saturday, May 1, 2010 our dear friend Chet from Second St. passed away suddenly from what appears to be an aneurysm in his heart. He was on the phone with an Avalon friend when he mentioned a sudden terrible pain in his chest. Friends rushed over to check on him and he was taken by ambulance to the hospital, but he died in the emergency room. He was only 56. He will be sadly missed by all, especially his dear friend Danny who so recently lost his wife Rita.
Condolences also go out to Marilyn and Jerry Bell and family on the recent death of Marilyn's sister who had been living in Avalon while she waged a valiant battle with cancer this past season. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this sad time.
Although it is a part of life and we know it will come calling, death is never easy to accept when it claims our beloved friends. The wonderful memories we have of good times together at Avalon will help us all as we grieve the losses of the past year and hope for a gentler season to come.