Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How can I be homesick when I'm at home?

Ever get that feeling? We've been home for about 5 weeks, and now that the dust has settled I'm starting to really miss you guys! Oh, don't get me wrong - it is wonderful to be back at home close to the grand-kids and all. But I sure do enjoy our time at Avalon and I miss all my friends and the great activities we participate in during the winter months. I guess I'm just going through "Avalon Withdrawal".

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying spring in your hometown. Carole Logan wrote to say that she has been having a wonderful spring and has been up to her cottage in Latchford. (I can almost smell that clean country air!)

I was surprised by a couple of e-mails I received with news that Sam Seltzers abruptly closed all of it's locations on Monday and has gone out of business! They certainly always seemed to be busy when we went there. As a matter of fact we had a lovely ladies luncheon there this past season. I guess you never can tell!

Although I know that NONE of you would EVER drive over the speed limit, I am including an interesting web address that lists local speed traps. I was amazed at the accuracy of the posts for the town I live in. Give it a try - the website ....NOT SPEEDING!!!! Just click HERE

Please let me know if you have any news to share, or feel free to include it as a comment on the latest post. Everyone is eager to hear of any health updates, adventures or celebrations.

Take care of you!

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