Thursday, September 23, 2010

The excitement is building!

Can you feel it yet? Summer slowly sneaks away as Autumn steadfastly creeps across the landscape - leaves turning from yellow to red to brown - and finally a cool breeze pulls them from their lofty home and gravity draws them back to feed the earth from where they came.
You enjoy the crisp edge of the morning air and the sweet scent of leaves underfoot as they decay and form the first layer of winter's blanket preparing to cover Mother Earth.
You especially enjoy it because you know what it means - almost time to head to Florida, the land of sun and fun in the winter (Oh, please God, let it be sunny and warm this winter!)
I am hearing from many friends and I can feel the excitement growing....." Can't wait to see our friends" ... "'s starting to get a little chilly around here" .... " Should we bring some beads for Mardi Gras?".... "When are you leaving for Florida?".... everybody is starting to prepare for the great Avalon reunion.
I hope you are as excited as we are to get back to the good life!

When you are looking over the blog make sure you check out any comments that have been added to the posts. Sometimes they include updates from friends. Just click on the place where it says "1 comment" or "2 comments" at the end of a post and you will be able to read whatever has been added by one of our followers. For example both Pauline & Harvey and Jackie & John have added comments to the previous post to say hello and tell us of their plans.

I received a little message from Ron & Pat Vanover to pass on to all:

Anyone going on the cruise in January please let me know so I can let you know about the bus.

If you need to respond to Pat & Ron's message and you don't have their e-mail address just e-mail me and I will forward it to them.

Well boys and girls, start thinking about what you need to pack and don't forget your sunscreen - I hope we need a lot of it this year!

I will close with another tidbit from Marvin Harrison:

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."

1 comment:

  1. Carole Logan here. I am going on the cruise in January and would like information on the bus. My email address is: I do not have Ron and Pat's email address. It is always good to read the blog and I check it almost every evening. Nov. 6 is my anticipated date to leave for Florida. ETA should be Nov. 8. See y'all there.
