Saturday, April 24, 2010

So far, so good.

I have been getting some feedback from a few friends who have found our little "home away from home" on the web. So far, everyone seems to like the idea of having a place to touch base during the off-season. I sure get a kick out of hearing from you guys. It's almost like magic. I can imagine what it felt like when the telephone was newly invented. (I said "I can imagine ... not "I remember" - we're not that old!!!)

Judy and Ron Steeves sent word that they arrived home safely but are finding the long drive exhausting. Don't you wish there was a better way!

Don't be shy to add a comment whenever you visit this site, even if it's just to say "Hi". Everyone will enjoy hearing from you. Also, if you scroll down the page you will come to a blog archive where you can click on earlier posts to see what has been written on other dates. Click on COMMENTS and you will be able to see what others have added to the posts. We also have a Clearwater weather forecast at the bottom of the page so we can see what we are missing! If you have any news (***read: male gossip****) that would normally be discussed at the "Morning Meeting" in the laundry room or the REAL meeting on Monday morning, you can post it as a comment, or email it to me and I will post it for you. Explore. Enjoy!
Have a great week!


  1. What a great idea Lori to keep all in-touch. You deserve to be commended for setting up this blog. I have advised a couple other "Avaloner's" on my e-mail list to check out the site and the great photos.


  2. Hi there boys and girls, We are still in Avalon. along with Richard and Betty, Ron and Pat, Ray and Joni are packing up. We will all be gone soon though. I'm trying to wait till it quits raining in Ky. before I go home , but, that may take a while. Lorraine is staying with a neice for a while, God bless her. Stay healthy everyone, Love Kirb and Deb.

  3. Hello out there, Just a little note to let you know that my Harvey is doing not too bad. Good news, no chemo or radiation. If things stay good we will be out of here in November. Sorry for all the sadness over he winter in the park. Miss you all.
    Love Harvey & Pauline
